Monday, June 7, 2010

I am very sick today.

I am very sick today. I don't want to be sick anymore. I have been sick most of my life. Chronic pain can wear a person down. I had such high hopes for today which is my Sunday. I had errands and things I needed to get done. I didn't know until after I woke up this morning that I had unknowingly sabotaged my health again by eating the wrong friggin cracker. I was so hungry after church I ate 4 or five crackers that I thought were safe. I recently found out I have Celiac Disease which means I can't have wheat/gluten. The good news is, my mysterious Edema and heart problems seem to be because of this so my health will be better than ever once I figure this out enough. I have only known for a matter of week. I had three days of clarity after fasting and having basically only healthy meal replacement shakes and fruit. I felt better than I have for 20 years probably. I now know I will be highly productive and energetic again like I was in my 20's due to those three days. That is really exciting because I haven't been able to handle doing much for years now and it's really troubled me. I know I will have a handle on this soon and these days of not being able to cope to do much if anything will be a thing of the past, but today, I am drowning.

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